Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to apply for a New Power (Electricity) Connection?

The application in the prescribed form should be registered by the licensee at the jurisdictional section/sub-division office on payment of registration-cum-processing fee.

For permanent supply, along with the application, you need to have to register application with proof of ownership/occupation documents, attested true copies or photostat copies of the documents showing the proposed location of the meter board prepared by the licensed electrical contractor and agreement on Rs.50 stamp paper in the standard format.

The installation will be serviced within 1 month from the date of receipt of the contractor's completion-cum-test report along with the wiring diagram.

For further details, you can contact helpline: 24 hours line 155313, BWSSB Office 22945100

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Source: DNA Bangalore, Page 4, 11-Jun-2009

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